For many people, the holidays are a time to give back to others by donating goods they no longer need to charity. Are you planning on donating this year? Make Ohio Valley Goodwill your ” one-stop shop” for dropping off gently-used clothing and household goods! Here are four great reasons to donate to Goodwill this holiday season:
Clean and Organize
Cut down on clutter before the new year
Now is a great time to get organized for a fresh start in the new year. Consider using the ” one in, one out” rule to make room for any new items your family receives during the holidays. This means that for every new item you bring into your home, you donate a gently-used item to Goodwill! You’ll keep your space organized and clutter-free, all while giving back to a great cause.
Create a new holiday tradition
Donating to Goodwill during the holidays is a wonderful family tradition to start! Before holiday gifts arrive, encourage your children to gather up any toys or clothes that they no longer need. Then, take them with you to your nearest Goodwill donation center so they can see how their donations are collected and used by others who need them. Explain how the sale of their ” stuff” will help create jobs for people in your community. It’s an easy way to demonstrate the importance of helping others and giving back.
Reduce, reuse, and repurpose
During the holidays, you might receive gifts that replace something you currently own. Instead of throwing your old sweater or TV in the garbage, donate them to Goodwill! Goodwill is an original supporter of the reduce, reuse, and recycle movement. Each item you donate to Goodwill helps to divert reusable and recyclable items from local landfills, making our communities more beautiful and earth-friendly! This holiday season, ditch the dumpster and donate to Goodwill instead.
Goodwill’s Logo
Be a job creator in your community
Did you know that when you donate to Goodwill, you’re doing more than just cleaning out your closet? When you donate, you become a job creator, making a positive difference for people living right in your community! That’s because the sale of your donated goods supports Ohio Valley Goodwill’s job training and employment services for individuals with disabilities and our nation’s veterans. It’s all a part of our mission to change lives through the power of work and you make it possible every time you donate or shop in one of our stores.
Ohio Valley Goodwill makes it easy and convenient to donate your gently-used clothing and household goods. View our list of retail stores and donation sites to find your nearest donation location. As always, thank you for your donation support. Have a happy and healthy holiday season!