When searching for a job, many people wonder how critical it is to have a college degree. While education is important, it’s not always the case that a degree is required to get a good job! Today, it’s becoming more common for employers to prioritize the need for candidates with the right skills””not necessarily a degree””to succeed in a job.
As skills-based hiring grows in popularity, job seekers need to focus on developing both hard and soft skills to stand out.
Job coach with young job seeker
Hard skills refer to the technical skills employees need to perform their specific jobs. Examples might include using a computer and typing on a keyboard, knowing how to fold clothes, use a cash register, or count change. Hard skills can be acquired through formal education, training programs, or on-the-job training and practice. While hard skills are important, they aren’t the only type of skills job seekers need to have.
In addition to hard skills, employers are looking for employees with good soft skills. Soft skills are the characteristics that help create a productive, effective, and positive work environment. Examples of soft skills include punctuality, respect, teamwork, customer service, dependability, and communication skills. Although some people naturally have good soft skills, these skills can also be enhanced and strengthened through individual coaching and mentoring.
Both hard and soft skills are vital for finding, obtaining, and retaining employment. But what if a job seeker faces barriers to developing and practicing these essential skills? That’s why Ohio Valley Goodwill is here!
We Put People to Work!
Everyone should have the opportunity to experience independence, self-confidence, and community inclusion through the dignity of work. However, individuals with disabilities and other obstacles to employment aren’t always given the same opportunities to build the skills they need to be job-ready. At Ohio Valley Goodwill, we work to break down these barriers by providing essential skills training, job placement, coaching support, and related vocational services to meet the individual needs of those referred by our partner agencies.
When you donate your gently-used items to Goodwill or shop in one of our retail stores, you’re helping to create jobs and change lives through the power of work! Your support makes a meaningful impact in your community, helping people build brighter futures and have the opportunity to thrive.
To learn more, read about Goodwill’s vocational services and the empowering and inspiring Success Stories of the individuals who have achieved employment success. Thank you for your support!