From the guys at LeSaint Logistics Supply Chain Solutions (Pictured left to right in 2nd image: Subash Tamang, Keshawn Mingo, Aaron Mercer and Rayne Childs
A team of young transition students are currently hard at work at LeSaint Logistics as part of Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Summer Youth Services. The young men, led by Goodwill Job Coach Gage Bley, have fun daily and work hard finishing quota given to them by the staff at LeSaint. The boys have been in charge of loading and shipping labels, picking items, loading trucks and general maintenance of the store. The team can be counted on to get a lot done and the LeSaint team loves having them around. Every day they clock in and say ” hi” to the staff and get their assignments for the afternoon. They work hard from the time they arrive at 10:30am till it’s time to go home at 3:00pm.
Gage states the young men always come to work pre-motivated and ready to go. He assists with breaking down the tasks given and instructing each student on how they might wish to tackle the list of tasks. With his guidance, the students come up with a strategy for getting the job done and Gage encourages the team to problem solve and create a daily routine that gets the work finished. Gage says now in week three of the service, his crew has become very independent and are doing most of the work without his help now. He notes that he is seeing much ingenuity, creativity, team work and determination from his crew and this energy is something he looks forward to every day.
When asked what was going on in these photos the reply was:
” Good Afternoon from the wonderful world of work! Oh don’t mind us; were just working hard every day here at LeSaint”¦
We be all smiles, while all the while we still keep our good look’in style”¦hang on a sec while we toss this last box up on the pile. *Woosh* time get back to packing things on over in the next aisle”¦Watch a truck stop, *screech* back it in from the mile, OOoO can’t touch us cause we just too agile. Thanks for stopping in for awhile, better back on out while we check’n off in today’s, 100th percentile!”
We thank the guys at LeSaint and Job Coach, Gage Bley, for all their hard work! Keep at it guys!
To find out more about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s employment and training services, visit
Goodwill’s Summer Youth Services is offered to transition students in partnership with Opportunities for Ohioan’s with Disabilities and is designed to provide hands-on work experience for youth exploring vocational options following graduation from high school.