Summer Youth Students with Connor McCurley, Job Coach.
As Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Summer Youth Services comes to a close this year, we are excited to share that over 95% of the students referred for these services have successfully completed. Students participating in the Summer Youth Service opportunity had the chance to explore a variety of employment options and their experiences took place at over 30 job sites throughout our community. We appreciate all the employers who opened their doors in support of the Goodwill service and this year’s students. The great news is that Goodwill’s Employment Services department has already assisted nearly 50 transitional youth to find employment during 2019. We are very grateful to Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), for their partnership which makes the Summer Youth service possible.
Currently, the largest such program in the Greater Cincinnati area, this year’s Summer Youth provided services to more than 100 individuals over the three month period. The program is designed to provide students with a variety of team building and vocational exploration experiences structured to help them gather information about the world of work. As part of the Summer Youth Service, each student has the opportunity to learn work appropriate skills during the beginning of the program and then, participate in an interactive work simulated experience in the community on typical job sites. After their community job try-outs, each student reports back to their counselor through Goodwill partner agency, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, regarding their work experience and their job preferences.
For more information about Goodwill’s Summer Youth services, please call (513) 771-4800. For information about Goodwill’s Employment Services, visit Goodwill’s Summer Youth Service is celebrating its seventh year of helping students to achieve employment success and is a collaborative project with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD). We congratulate all of this year’s Summer Youth Service participants and team members who made this year’s experience such a positive outcome for all of our 2019 students.