Goodwill Fashion Models with WLWT Sheree Paolello
Thursday, December 15th marked the occasion of the official 100th Anniversary Celebration of Ohio Valley Goodwill’s mission in the Greater Cincinnati community and Fashion Show event. Held at the beautiful Sharonville Convention Center, this year’s special Holiday Luncheon welcomed more than 200 friends, supporters and partners to the historic celebration.
Among the many highlights of the event-filled day, was the presentation by the organization’s Service Guild President, Sue Burreson, of three separate checks to Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries; $1,000 to the organization’s Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education (CARE), $5,000 to the Veteran’s program and finally, $20,000 to the organization’s Employment and Training services. “Goodwill is so thankful to our outstanding volunteer Service Guild who raise funds through the Treasure Island Gift Shop in support of our 100 year old mission. The Guild has been providing support for Goodwill and the individuals that the organization serves for more than 80 years,” said Joe Byrum, President and CEO.
The Guild presentation was then followed by a special visit from Santa and Grants Director, Charlie Blythe, with recognition plaques to honor Jim Downton, Sharonville Convention Center and Cathy Englund, Spectra Food Services, in recognition of their fifteen year hosting and sponsorship of the annual Homeless Awareness Dinner.
Jim Downton, SCC and Cathy Englund, Spectra
The formal recognition of partners and friends continued with the presentation of plaques to the Superior Automotive Group, Dale Donovan, Frank’s Heavy Collision Repair, Eric’s Auto Service, Jeff Pohlman Tire and 55KRC by Auto Auction Manager, Kim Masters and celebrity spokesman, Joe Walter. The formal recognition is in honor of the Superior Automotive Group’s five years of collaboration in providing a car donation program and the sponsorship of Dale Donovan and others in the now twice yearly Extreme Car Make-Over program. “We are extremely grateful to the Superior Automotive Group, Dale Donovan and all of our partners for their support of the Goodwill Auto Auction program, which is now one of the most successful non-profit efforts in the country,” said Kim Masters, Manager.
Kim Masters with Auto Auction Award Recipients
One of the themes of the day was tenure recognition for Ohio Valley Goodwill’s long-time team members. This year, five employees were singled out for attaining twenty years of tenure including: Michael Bartko, Janitorial Contracts, Jeff Eastham, Director of Operations, Aimee Rittner, Asst. Director of Employment and Community-Based Services, Chris Schaney, Contributed Goods and Lisa Williamson, Quality Assurance. Joe Byrum, President and CEO assisted by Charlie Wright, Board of Directors Chairman, presented each employee with a leather jacket in commemoration of their achievement. Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates this wonderful employee team who will also receive official 20 year tenure pins.
20 Year Tenure Recipients with Joe Byrum and Sheree Paolello, WLWT
Goodwill Vice President and CFO, Doug Ostholthoff was then called to the stage to receive his tenure pin for forty years of service. Long-time employees, Anna Gabbard and Nancy Woolley were also recognized with bouquets of flowers for their more than forty years of dedication to the Goodwill mission.
The audience was then, surprised to learn that more than 50 employees with Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries, have more than twenty years of service to the organization and its century-long mission of putting people to work. A group photo was shared with the audience and Mr. Byrum congratulated and thanked every employee for their commitment to the Goodwill mission.
Goodwill Team with 20+ years of service
Tenure listing- 20+ Years
Joe Byrum, CEO with Joe Walter, Board of Directors and Charlie Wright, Chairman
The tenure recognition ceremonies were then followed by remarks by Goodwill Board Chairman, Charlie Wright on Ohio Valley Goodwill’s century of service in the Greater Cincinnati community and impact on the lives of people with disabilities, veterans and others served. Mr. Wright thanked all of the organization’s partners and friends for their on-going support which has made Goodwill’s mission possible. Grant Writer, Dick Oestreich, then provided the assembled guests with an overview of Ohio Valley Goodwill’s historic achievement of five consecutive perfect survey outcomes through the international accrediting body, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in 2016. As a CARF surveyor himself, Oestreich, noted that he knew of no other organization which had achieved this level of accreditation excellence.
Much to the delight of the audience, WLWT News Anchor, Sheree Paolello, was then introduced as the MC of the Goodwill Fashion Show, “100 Years of Goodwill Fashion.” Noting that given Goodwill’s history of collecting donated clothing since 1916, the special 100th anniversary celebration had to be showcased in the best way possible, with a Fashion Show showing off 100 Years of Goodwill Fashion. Without further ado, the fourteen models proceeded on stage wearing appropriate outfits reflecting the time period they were representing against an visual background created by Public Information Officer, Michael Flannery, which depicted both musically and visually, the featured time periods. Models included: Carolyn Savage, (1920’s), JoAn Armour, 1940’s, Kristine Agoston and Travis Smith, 1950’s, Amber King, 1960’s, Abby Bradburn, 1970’s, Jordan Goss, 1980’s, Rebecca Rutherford and Michael Johnson, Contemporary, Ann Mackzum, Contemporary, Andrea Ward and Eddie Morgan, Contemporary and Mike Schnirring and Camille Robinson, Future.
The models were stunning and did a fabulous job of portraying their respective time periods. Fashions were provided by Goodwill’s Montgomery Boutique as well as Tri-County store, and NVISION; a vintage clothing shop. Hair and make-up were provided by Christopher Marcus Salon in Hyde Park Square; a long-time supporter of Goodwill and the CARA Group.
Mr. Byrum congratulated all of the models at the conclusion of the show and presented MC Sheree Paolello with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her support.
Sheree Paolello, WLWT and Joe Byrum, CEO
The afternoon’s festivities concluded with a special holiday video created by Michael Flannery which featured vintage Christmas images of Goodwill employees alongside their modern day work images. The assembled guests enjoyed the event so much that many stayed to congratulate models and WLWT’s Sheree Paolello as well as tenure recipients.
“Ohio Valley Goodwill is so grateful to our many friends, partners and supporters for their on-going support which has made our mission possible over the past 100 years and we look forward to the next 100 years of service,” said Joe Byrum, President and CEO at the end of the special anniversary event. To find our more about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s century of service, visit
Goodwill was also pleased to have coverage by WLWT News 5 of the 100th Anniversary Celebration event.