Members of Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Programs and Services team are currently participating in the 2015 ACCSES Annual Conference in Washington DC. Leslie McCurley, Assistant Director of Developmental Disabilities Services and Lisa Williamson, Quality Assurance Specialist, are both in attendance at this year’s event.
The Goodwill team members’ participation in this year’s conference is both in a learning and advocacy role. As an employment and training center that serves more than 3400 people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans annually, Ohio Valley Goodwill’s team is very interested in learning as much as possible about policy implications and system changes that will impact the lives of the thousands of individuals that the organization serves.
Goodwill Team Member Leslie McCurley at ACCSES with former Congressman Jon Porter and Leann Fox, Director of Government Affairs, ACCSES.
Every summer, representatives from disability service providers and their supporters from across the country gather in Washington, DC, to learn and discuss the most pressing public policy issues facing the advancement and empowerment of the people with disabilities we serve every day. The ACCSES Annual Conference is packed full with policy briefings, breakout sessions, Hill advocacy, and Q&A with policy makers. This year, ACCSES will have a post-conference workshop on “Giving Voice to Choice While Sustaining Financial Health.” This workshop will assist state associations in designing systems change that includes a full array of services, while meeting the HCBS regulation requirements.
The workshop will teach participants how to create an Intelligent Redesign to adapt and thrive in the new public policy environment by:
“¢ Understanding objectives, demands, and opportunities of the new disability services model(s);
“¢ Operational review to identify barriers and opportunities;
“¢ Using process transformation to improve overall financial and operational performance and expand services;
“¢ Understanding challenges to change; and
“¢ Identifying solution options.
Ohio Valley Goodwill is pleased to have the opportunity to be on the front lines in representing and advocating on behalf of the individuals with disabilities that the organization serves. Stay tuned for more updates regarding the 2015 ACCSES Annual Conference and Goodwill’s participation in this important event.