Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Employment Services team was pleased to be part of a success story recently filmed by WCPO Channel 9 On Your Side news which featured an individual placed by the organization with a local business, Building Blocks for Kids. The month of October is the official celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and this month, Brianne Hoagland; Office Administrator and now, Development Coordinator for Building Blocks for Kids is a wonderful example of an employment success story.
Brianne Hoagland, Exceptional Employee and Success Story!
Placed by Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Employment Services team in August 2016, Brianne has certainly made a positive impression on her new employer- being promoted within months of being hired.
” I love my new job! Its been 8 years since I have been employed and I am very excited, It’s a dream come true!! Goodwill’s assistance provided me with constant encouragement and the push I needed to pursue my ultimate goal in my life. Goodwill has always been about the pursuit of dreams and providing a means for people in dire need. Those who can’t help themselves now have hope with Goodwill’s help. This is the perfect example of God’s will. Thank you Goodwill.”
The Employment Specialist from Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries, Rich Halter says that ” Brianne has proven to be one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Upon our first meeting I knew after talking for over an hour that there was something special and she had; some amazing hidden talents. These un-coachable traits of fearlessness, determination, motivation, compassion, charisma and a creative mind all were something any employer would be ecstatic to have in their employee roster. Through our time together we had many interviews and Brianne impressed everywhere she went but no employer was capable of accommodating her specified needs. It wasn’t until we found Building Blocks for Kids and with Goodwill’s assistance turned a volunteer position into a full time position through the capability of a home office. Brianne has been working now for over a month and has already orchestrated Building Blocks biggest charity event ever held. Coming up on 11/30 at Liberty Funny Bone she has comedian Josh Blue and Alley Bruener speaking and entertaining with proceeds going towards children with Cerebral Palsy. Brianne is simply amazing and Building Blocks for Kids is very lucky to have her. Goodwill assists people who need help in finding work and Brianne’s story is truly a success for all involved in her journey to employment.”
For 100 years, Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries has been helping people with disabilities go to work in our community. The organization is pleased by and celebrates the personal success of Brianne as she reflects the positive benefits of hiring someone who demonstrates exceptional skills. To find out more about Goodwill’s Employment Services, visit www.goodwillemploymentservices.com. Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates Brianne on her recent promotion and Building Blocks for Kids on their Channel 9 success story.
View the WCPO story here featuring Brianne http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/warren-county/mason-community/local-woman-finds-dream-job-helping-children-with-disabilities