Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Ohio Valley Goodwill Salutes Veterans at 2016 Veterans Day Recognition Luncheon!

Michael Flannery, John Farley, Mayor Cranley and James Armour

Michael Flannery, John Farley, Mayor Cranley and James Armour

Ohio Valley Goodwill was pleased to welcome Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley to the organization’s annual Veteran’s Day Luncheon hosted by its Volunteer Service Guild. Mayor Cranley was the special guest invited to present the 2016 “Distinguished Veteran Alumni Award.” This year’s award recipient is John Farley, a Case Manager for Goodwill’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP).

John Farley and Mayor Cranley with 2016 Award

John Farley and Mayor Cranley with 2016 Award

During his presentation, the Mayor shared a little of John’s personal story. A decorated former Marine, John is not only a Case Manager for Goodwill’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program, (HVRP); but he is also a success story. After completing his tour of service for our country, John returned home and was employed in a demanding job which he was very passionate about. Unfortunately, his position was eliminated and John eventually found himself homeless. At one of the lowest points in his life, John met a Goodwill Case Manager associated with the organization’s Veterans program. With Goodwill’s help, John was able to get back on his feet, get a job, go to college and eventually graduate Cum Laude. Two years later, a position opened up at Goodwill working with Veterans and John applied for the job and was hired. Now, he works alongside the Goodwill Case Manager who originally helped him to get back on his feet. Giving back to his fellow veterans is very important to John and today’s recognition was testimony to his commitment.
To read more about John’s journey to personal success, visit http://www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/success-stories/

During his award acceptance remarks, John not only gratefully thanked his “Goodwill family” for their support but touchingly, made a point of thanking his son, Cameron, who was in attendance at the special luncheon event.

Cameron and John Farley

Cameron and John Farley

Sue Burreson, Guild President, then completed the award ceremony by presenting John with a check as part of the Jane Kreps Memorial Fund. Burreson explained that Jane had been a long-time member of the Service Guild and past President and the Veteran’s Day luncheon was her idea originally.
John Farley with Sue Burreson, Guild President and Mayor Cranley.

John Farley with Sue Burreson, Guild President and Mayor Cranley.

Today’s Veteran’s luncheon event was truly memorable not only for the Veterans in attendance but also, because today’s event is taking place during the organization’s 100th anniversary of service. As part of its mission of helping people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans to get jobs, for the past twenty-six years, Goodwill has proudly offered employment, skill training, housing and case management assistance to thousands of veterans as they successfully re-integrate into our local community. Goodwill was also pleased to welcome WCPO Channel 9 news to the Veteran’s Luncheon and thank them for their coverage of the awards ceremony and the Mayor’s presentation. wcpo-logo

In the Greater Cincinnati area, Ohio Valley Goodwill has helped thousands of veterans, build their civilian careers. Locally, last year, Ohio Valley Goodwill served more than 900 veterans and their families. Since the early 1990″²s, the organization has helped more than 6000 veterans to receive assistance with transitional and permanent housing, skill training, job placement assistance as well as case management support. ” We are very proud of the quality services that we have been providing for the past twenty-six years for the hundreds of men and women that we have served at Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries,” said Charlie Blythe, Goodwill’s Grants Director.

On this Veteran’s Day and every day, Ohio Valley Goodwill salutes our military heroes; our nation’s veterans. This year, the organization is delighted to congratulate former Marine, John Farley, on his proud service to our country. Our most sincere thanks to the Goodwill Service Guild volunteers on their hard work on this year’s Veteran’s Day luncheon in honor of our Veterans.