Friday, October 28th marked the date of the 2016 Transition Boot Camp held at the Sharonville Convention Center. Ohio Valley Goodwill was pleased to be a Gold Sponsor of this year’s one day conference event as well as a co-presenter and exhibitor at this year’s vendor fair. The Transition Boot Camp is a one-day conference for parents/caregivers, family members, educators and other professionals working with youth/young adults who have developmental disabilities who are interested in transition preparation from high school to adult life. The one day conference event is followed with multiple in-depth booster sessions on transition topics throughout the year. The Transition Boot Camp conference and vendor fair helps families and educators better prepare for the many transitions that youth experience when moving from school to community work and life.
This year’s sold-out event welcomed more than 300 families, teachers, professionals as well as advocates and offered a host of information designed to be a one-stop shop for families working on planning for life following graduation from high school. Ohio Valley Goodwill was pleased to introduce Community Access Supervisor, Travis Smith, as a co-presenter during one of the morning sessions on the topic of ” Creating a Meaningful Day in the Community: Options for Fulfillment Outside of Community Employment.” Joining with representatives from Easter Seals Tri-State as well as Stepping Stones and Hamilton County DD Services, the session offered a range of ideas for community involvement opportunities outside of the world of work. To find out more about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Community Access program, please visit
Travis Smith, Supervisor.
In addition, the Boot Camp offered a vendor fair from 11 am until 2 pm where attendees had the opportunity to connect with various service providers, recreation programs, educational programs and transportation providers. Dozens of parents, professionals and teachers stopped by ask about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s award-winning employment and other community-based services. “Goodwill was honored to once again be on the planning committee for this year’s successful event,” said Sharon Hannon, Marketing Manager. “We are also pleased to have been a Gold Sponsor and a co-presenter at this year’s Boot Camp,” added Hannon.
Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates all members of the 2016 planning committee for the success of this year’s Transition Boot Camp including UCEDD, Hamilton County DD Services, Butler County Board of DD, Clermont County Board of DD, Warren County Board of DD, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Down Syndrome Association, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Spina Bifida Association, Autism Society, Easter Seals Tri-State and Stepping Stones.