Joseph Byrum, President and CEO.
Ohio Valley Goodwill is proud to announce that its President and CEO, Joseph S. Byrum, has been selected for recognition by Goodwill Industries International with the J.D. Robins Jr. Distinguished Career Award. The J. D. Robins Jr. Distinguished Career Award recognizes outstanding career contributions and dedication to the advancement of the Goodwill Industries movement over a span of at least 25 years, with at least 15 as a CEO.
As President and CEO for Ohio Valley Goodwill for the past almost 40 years, Joe Byrum has established an effective and collaborative management approach to implement organizational strategy. With more than fifty employees obtaining a landmark of twenty years of service with Ohio Valley Goodwill, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) recently noted as strengths ” experienced and loyal staff members” and ” experienced and visionary leadership and management.”As President, Byrum helps to direct the broadest vision for the future of Goodwill. Implementation of the organizational vision often requires the ability to strategically maneuver the organization through an ever-increasingly competitive environment. As CEO, in partnership with Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Executive Management team and Board of Directors, Byrum establishes and implements programs and services for delivery to targeted populations which reflect the needs of the local community.
With more than 40 years of experience, President and CEO Joe Byrum has established a broad network of collaborative partnerships which include four County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (State VR), the Veterans Administration, Cincinnati USA Chamber, Human Services Chamber of Hamilton County, National Rehabilitation Association, Society for Human Resources Management, AbilityOne, Southwest Ohio Employment Collaborative and Woodlawn Chamber of Commerce. In addition, Ohio Valley Goodwill has a long history of working in cooperation with other human service organizations to sponsor and support community outreach events which are designed to be beneficial to all. Examples include: Job Seeking Skills Training event in partnership with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities for transition youth; annual Homeless Awareness Dinner; annual Stand Down event; Continuum of Care-a partnership of 22 local agencies that work collaboratively to meet the needs of veterans; Medical Equipment Loaner Program; Transition Boot Camp conference; Earth Day Recycling Donation Drive; annual ShareFest Donation Drive in partnership with the city of Oxford and Miami University; Thanksgiving Day Race Donation Drive as well as title sponsorship of the ” PigAbilities” event as part of the annual Flying Pig Marathon (designed specifically for athletes with disabilities to complete the final mile of the marathon).
Over Byrum’s impressive tenure, Ohio Valley Goodwill has received more than 50 national, regional and local awards in recognition of its programs and services and staff team. In addition, the organization has received five consecutive perfect survey outcomes from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), placing it in the top 3% of similar organizations nationwide.
The best reflection of the leadership of Joe Byrum as President and CEO of Ohio Valley Goodwill is the individual success stories that result. People like Brianne who had been out of work for eight years and had despaired of obtaining employment, now working as a Development Director for a local non-profit; and Kyle who was a student in the organization’s Summer Youth program and as a result of his hard work was offered a permanent position following graduation from high school. Another poignant example is Antonio Adams, who recently celebrated 15 years of successful employment as well as recognition by the Ohio Rehabilitation Association, for his work as an artist and community ambassador. During his award acceptance speech, Antonio credited Goodwill with helping him to achieve success in his work life.
These are the stories that reflect the mission advancement of Ohio Valley Goodwill in the Greater Cincinnati community and the dedication and leadership of President and CEO, Joseph Byrum. Ohio Valley Goodwill and its Board of Directors, staff team and program participants all congratulate President and CEO, Joseph Byrum, on his well-deserved recognition by Goodwill Industries International on his distinguished career.