L to R: Debbie Moorehous, Kat Lyons, Sharon Hannon and Skip Catanach
Goodwill team member, Sharon Hannon, Marketing Manager, was in attendance to learn more about rule changes governing the election process this year. Ohio Valley Goodwill has long offered a voter education and registration outreach effort in the Fall to help the individuals the organization serves as well as its staff members to become more fully involved in the upcoming election season. As a non-profit agency that has been serving thousands of people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans over the past 100 years, Goodwill is committed to providing the resources that its constituents need in order to become informed about and participate in the election process. Historically, Goodwill has partnered with the League of Women Voters and Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered to offer relevant training that is non-partisan in nature and to offer voter registration drives at convenient times within its organization. Since 2003, Goodwill’s Consumer Advisory Council, has been a critical part of the voter education and “get out the vote” effort, working to encourage their peers to participate in the election process.
During the United Way Voter Engagement training event, Goodwill representative, Sharon Hannon, joined with the Center for Independent Living Options, CILO, team members to develop a plan for voter education and registration efforts to help people with disabilities in particular, to become fully involved in the election process this year. Goodwill will be launching its Voter education and registration campaign efforts in September 2016 which will be directed towards helping people to become fully informed and engaged in this important civic responsibility. To find out more about Goodwill’s programs and services, visit www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/services.