Sharon Hannon and Michael Flannery at TLRC hearing
Ohio Valley Goodwill team members, Sharon Hannon and Michael Flannery, were pleased to add their testimony to the overwhelming community support demonstrated at the Tax Levy Review Committee hearing held at the Board of Elections on Monday, June 10th. The critical operating levy provides 75% of the funds needed for Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services, (HCDDS), to continue offering their critical services for children and adults with DD in Hamilton County. The Goodwill team shared stories about the employment success of the thousands of people that the organization is able to serve thanks to the more than 30 year partnership with HCDDS. Dozens of other community members shared their own compelling accounts of their personal experiences with the Board and the impact of the Board’s support on their lives and those of their families. The Tax Levy Review Committee were noticeably moved by the testimony provided and thanked all of the attendees for coming and sharing their stories.
Sharon Hannon with Alice Pavey, HCDDS Superintendent
The hearing was just the first in a series of advocacy efforts which will be needed this year to ensure that HCDDS is on the ballot in November and that the crucial operating levy is passed. Hamilton County DD Services has a long history of community support and their last levy in 2014 was approved with unprecedented success. As the focus of services has changed to a more community-based orientation, it is hoped that voters have increased awareness of the importance of people with DD being fully integrated in the larger community both in terms of employment and well as socially. As a long standing partner of Hamilton County DD Services, Ohio Valley Goodwill will be fully involved in supporting the 2019 levy campaign on behalf of the thousands of individuals with DD that both agencies mutually serve. Stay tuned for more information about the 2019 HCDDS Levy campaign and how you can join us in supporting the successful passage of this vital operating levy. For more information about HCDDS, visit
Alice Pavey, testifying at TLRC hearing
Tax Levy Review Committee hearing at Board of Elections