March 21st not heralds the first official day of Spring but also the celebration of World Down Syndrome Day. World Down Syndrome Day is a global awareness initiative that has been backed by the United Nations since 2012.
It has been spearheaded by Down Syndrome International, which has linked up with national charities across the world to develop activities and events to raise awareness and support for those living with Down syndrome. It also highlights the facts of what it’s like to have Down syndrome, and how those with Down syndrome have, and continue to play, a vital role in our communities.
The date itself has been selected for specific reasons; it is held on the 21st day of the 3rd month, which is recognition of the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which leads to Down syndrome.
As an employment and training center which serves people with disabilities including Down Syndrome, Ohio Valley Goodwill is pleased to join in the global awareness initiative which highlights the contributions of individuals in our community. One of the many stories of success that Goodwill is happy to share is that of Stephanie Mitchell, who is the official co-chair of the organization’s annual celebrity golf outing as well as a long-time community employee.
Stephanie Mitchell with Golf Outing Co-Chair, Joe Walter
” I like my job!” This is what Stephanie says every time someone asks her about her work for the Kroger Company on the west side of Cincinnati. Successfully employed for more than 18 years at the Kroger Company, Stephanie receives job coaching support through Ohio Valley Goodwill. Well known for her friendly customer service by her employer as well as the store’s regular customers, Stephanie is popular with both co-workers and patrons. Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates Stephanie on her personal success and is committed to helping all individuals with barriers to employment to achieve vocational success. To find out more about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s employment and training services, please visit
Please join Ohio Valley Goodwill in the official recognition of March 21st as World Down Syndrome Day and the celebration of the many contributions of all individuals in our community.