Goodwill CEO Joe Byrum with Commissioner Portune and Board Chair Charlie Wright
“Ohio Valley Goodwill is so pleased to welcome Commissioner Portune to Ohio Valley Goodwill on this historic occasion,” said Joe Byrum, President and CEO. “It is quite an honor to have Mr. Portune and the Hamilton County Commissioner’s office formally recognize the 100th anniversary celebration of our organization and our mission of putting people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans to work in our community,” added Byrum. Commissioner Portune then presented Mr. Byrum with the formal proclamation from the County Commissioner’s office which read in part:
“The Board of County Commissioners does hereby recognize the commitment of Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries by holding true to their values of respect, stewardship, ethics, learning and innovation to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals, family and community and treats all people with dignity and respect. Be it further resolved that the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio does hereby congratulate Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries upon their 100th anniversary and thank them for outstanding public service they provide to the citizens of Hamilton County and hereby declare Friday, June 3rd, 2016 as “Goodwill Industries Day throughout all of Hamilton County.” Board Chair Charlie Wright, Comm Portune and Joe Byrum, CEO.
During his remarks, Mr. Portune noted that Goodwill’s commitment to helping people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans goes beyond the general provision of services and truly impacts lives. “This is why I felt so strongly that I wanted to present the proclamation today in person,” said the Commissioner. “Ohio Valley Goodwill for the past 100 years has helped our citizens not only achieve employment outcomes but also, personal success and individual dignity.” Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Board Chairman, Charlie Wright also thanked the Commissioner for coming and congratulated all of the assembled guests on the 100th anniversary of such a dynamic organization that truly lives its mission of service. Mr. Wright further noted that the Goodwill brand was recently ranked #1 in the country in part due to its efforts to improve people’s lives.
The formal presentation ceremony was followed by a brief networking opportunity during which the Commissioner was introduced to the dignitaries in attendance including members of the organization’s board of directors and staff team members.
Mark Fay, OOD, Alice Pavey, HCDDS, Comm Portune, Charlie Wright, Jo An Armour, Jim Armour, Joe Byrum, CEO
Ohio Valley Goodwill is grateful to Commissioner Portune and the Hamilton County Commissioners for presenting the organization with the formal proclamation and recognition of its 100th anniversary of service and vital contributions to the lives of the citizens served as well as to the overall economic health of the community.