Ohio Valley Goodwill was pleased to be an exhibitor for the 2019 Autism & All Special Needs Expo on Sunday, November 10th at the Sharonville Convention Center. The annual Expo is designed as an opportunity for families and individuals with disabilities to find out about the many resources available in the Greater Cincinnati community. Ohio Valley Goodwill joined with more than 100 different vendors to provide information about the organization’s award-winning programs and services with a particular focus on its Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education (CARE) program, new Transition Youth services and Employment services. For a complete overview of these important service offerings, visit http://www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/services
Marketing Director, Sharon Hannon, talked with dozens of families and individuals about Goodwill’s array of services and answered questions related to referrals and program openings. It is important to note that all of the featured programs are currently accepting referrals and services are accessed through either Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and/or a County Board of Developmental Disabilities. For more information, call (513) 771-4800, ext. 6364. Our most sincere thanks to Families with ASD who sponsor and support the annual Expo which provides critical information to families in the Greater Cincinnati community.
Sharon Hannon, Marketing Director at Expo