Sharon Hannon, Marketing Specialist at 2010 HCDDS Provider Fair. Saturday, November 20th marked the occasion of the 2010 Adult Day Provider Fair sponsored by long-time Goodwill partner, Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services. The 2010 Fair was held at the Conference Center at Cincinnati State University and Ohio Valley Goodwill was one of the many exhibitors present eager to talk with families about the variety of programs and services that the organization offers. More than 100 families attended the Fair and talked with the Goodwill representative about the interests of their respective family member. A number of families in attendance were looking for services for their son or daughter who are preparing for the move from the world of school to work. “Ohio Valley Goodwill is always happy to have the opportunity to talk with families and individuals about the many employment, training and personal development programs that Goodwill can provide,” said Sharon Hannon, Marketing Specialist. “Goodwill works with students and families all of the time in developing an individualized plan to help make the transition process as successful as possible,” added Hannon.