In partnership with 15 other Goodwill organizations throughout the state, Ohio Valley Goodwill was honored to be a co-sponsor of the 2009 Legislative Reception held March 31st at the Capitol Club in Columbus, Ohio. This year’s reception event is especially meaningful because many of the attendees are new to their positions and are just learning about Goodwill and its potential in terms of workforce development and economic impact to the state-wide economy. Ohio Valley Goodwill has always been a strong proponent of legislative advocacy and annually invites its elected representatives to tour its facilities and find out more about its many programs and services. ” We have worked hard to maintain a close collaborative relationship with our elected officials, ” said Joe Byrum, President/CEO. ” Legislation that affects the individuals we serve is of vital importance to us,” added Byrum. The year’s event welcomed more that 25 legislative representatives including state senators, representatives and aides. Outreach to regional representatives takes place on an on-going basis after the annual OAGI Legislative Reception is held. Look for updates to the website in the coming week!
TOP PHOTO: L to R: Joe Byrum, Pres/CEO OVGI with State Representative Dale Mallory. ABOVE: L to R: State Representative Joe Uecker, Joe Byrum, Pres/CEO OVGI and State Representative Peter Stautberg.