Ohio Valley Goodwill was pleased to be in attendance at the 2017 Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities Community Recognition Awards event on Thursday, April 6th. Held at Receptions in Fairfield, the annual event is designed to recognize the contributions of community members to the successful integration of people with developmental disabilities as well as to celebrate the personal achievements of the individuals and families served by the Board.
Goodwill was particularly pleased because three of its team members were singled out for recognition this year; Brianne Hoagland, Angela Muchmore and Ann Walters. Brianne works for Building Blocks for Kids; (a 2017 Employer of the Year nominee) and was assisted in her job placement efforts by Goodwill’s Employment Services team. Angela Muchmore is a Recreation and Leisure Coach with Goodwill’s Community Access program which is designed to offer individualized inclusion opportunities based on personal choice. The third Community Recognition award recipient this year is Ann Walters, Retail Sales Manager for Goodwill’s network of retail stores. The seventeen Goodwill stores were recently voted “Best in Cincinnati” by CityBeat Magazine. For several years, Ohio Valley Goodwill has worked with Butler DD on a donation partnership. Donors who wish to support individuals served by the Board can donate items through the FANS network to Goodwill in Butler County and in turn, Goodwill provides vouchers which allow individuals to purchase needed items to live and work successfully in the community.
L to R: Lisa Schneider, Michael Goforth (front), Aimee Rittner, Lisa Guliano, BCBDD Supt and Rich Halter (rear).
Goodwill has worked in partnership with the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Butler DD) for more than 10 years in providing employment and community integration services for adults with developmental disabilities and has a satellite vocational services center located at Route 4 and Symmes road in Fairfield, immediately adjacent to the organization’s Fairfield store location. In addition, the organization offers a number of popular community-based services including its Community Access program and Community Living Supports Program www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/services as well as its Employment Services program www.goodwillemploymentservices.com.
Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates Brianne, Angela and Ann on their Community Recognition awards at the 23rd Annual Community Recognition dinner and the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities on this year’s wonderful event.