The excitement is already starting to build as Ohio Valley Goodwill begins planning for the 2019 PigAbilities event as part of the Flying Pig Marathon. As the Title sponsor for the PigAbilities event, Goodwill is pleased to be part of this year’s celebration of the annual Flying Pig Marathon. PigAbilities is an empowering option for athletes of all ages and abilities who want to commit to going the distance by making healthy choices in their lives. The PigAbilities event takes place when there are fewer crowds, increased accessibility and more parking. On Saturday, May 4th participants will gather for a 1:00 pm start time and walk, roll or stroll the final mile on the actual Flying Pig Marathon course. At the Finish Line each finisher will receive a PigAbilities medal to commemorate their achievement.
2018 PigAbilities Start
2019 will mark the third year that Ohio Valley Goodwill has committed to being the Title sponsor for the PigAbilities event. Last year’s event broke all previous records for participation with more than 300 athletes choosing to finish the final mile of the Flying Pig Marathon. Goodwill’s Volunteer Service Guild also sponsored the Celebration tent at the end of the event with cookies for all of the happy team members. In 2018, more than 60 athletes supported by Ohio Valley Goodwill participated in the Pigabilities event and the post-race celebration and loved it.
In addition, Goodwill is also looking forward to the debut of its ever-popular ” Pig Pop-Up Shop” at the Flying Pig Expo on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday, May 4th. With a highly visible and prominent display space, Goodwill will have an incredible selection of running and work-out gear for the whole family at remarkable prices! This year’s Flying Pig Marathon promises to be as event-filled and fun as it has always been with lots of things for athletes of all abilities to do. Register today and plan to join Goodwill at this year’s Flying Pig Marathon, Expo and PigAbilities race on May 3rd and 4th. For more information, visit Find out more about PigAbilities at and plan to join Goodwill and this year’s team of determined athletes.
This year’s Goodwill ” Pig Pop-Up Shop” will be a star attraction at the Flying Pig Expo event on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday, May 4th with a huge selection of running items for all interested race participants. In addition, Goodwill will be broadcasting live from the Expo on Thursday, May 2nd during the set-up for this year’s Expo. Tune in at 1 pm at and get the inside scoop on the “Pig Pop-Up Shop” and all of the cool features of this year’s Expo event.
As the Title Sponsor of the 2019 PigAbilities event, Ohio Valley Goodwill looks forward to the celebration of the Flying Pig Marathon and welcoming hundreds of atheletes of all abilities to this years’ big event. Mark your calendars and plan to join us on Saturday, May 4th! Thanks so much everyone for your on-going support of Goodwill’s mission of helping people to experience personal success and community inclusion.