Ohio Valley Goodwill is delighted to announce that for the fifth consecutive year, the organization will be a Royal Sponsor for the Queen Bee Half Marathon event. Being held October 12th and 13th in downtown Cincinnati, the Queen Bee Half and 4 Miler event is designed to empower women and promote health and fitness. As a proud partner and sponsor of the Queen event, Ohio Valley Goodwill will be presenting it’s ever popular and newly expanded ” Bee-Tique” at the Expo on Friday, October 12th featuring an assortment of running gear at unbeatable prices as well as the buzz-worthy selfie station right next door.
This year’s Queen Bee expects to welcome more than 5700 participants all of whom will be sporting brand new shades as part of Goodwill’s Royal Sponsorship support. ” Ohio Valley Goodwill is all abuzz about this being the fifth year of the Queen Bee event and debuting this year’s version of the ” Bee-Tique,” said Sharon Hannon, Marketing Director. ” It’s hard to bee-lieve that the 2018 Queen Bee Half Marathon is only a few months away and the buzz is already building about all of the new, exciting features of the 2018 Bee including some of our athletes in training,” added Hannon. More updates to come soon on Team Goodwill’s full participation in this year’s empowering event for women and fitness.
Racers can also fly by the Goodwill exhibit booth to find out how to get a chance to win a luxurious spa pampering basket truly fit for a Queen. Hint: If you’re a “˜good bee’ you can bring a donation and receive a chance to win a bee-u-ti-ful spa pampering basket. The lucky winner will be announced Saturday, October 13th at the post-race party. Goodwill will also be broadcasting live from the exciting Expo and posting Queen Bee race highlights at #goodbee. Don’t miss your chance to post your best Queen Bee ” selfie” with royal accessories provided by Goodwill! For more information about the 2018 Queen Bee Half Marathon brought to you by Cincinnati’s Flying Pig Marathon, visit www.queenbeehalf.com.
Goodwill Picks Winner for Goodwill Good Bee Spa Basket!