L to R: Iris Simpson-Bush, Sharon Hannon and Sarah Pelfrey
Team Goodwill and friends at the post-PigAbilities Celebration tent
In addition, Goodwill is also looking forward to the debut of its NEW and Improved ” Pig Pop-Up Shop” at the Flying Pig Expo on Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th. With a larger display space, Goodwill will have an incredible selection of running and work-out gear for the whole family at remarkable prices! This year’s Flying Pig Marathon promises to be one of the most event-filled and fun ever with lots of things for athletes of all abilities to do. Register today and plan to join Goodwill at this year’s Flying Pig Marathon, Expo and PigAbilities race on May 4th and 5th. For more information, visit www.flyingpigmarathon.com. Find out more about PigAbilities at www.flyingpigmarathon.com/events/pigabilities and plan to join Goodwill and this year’s team of determined athletes.
Pig Pop-Up Shop
As the Title Sponsor of the 2018 PigAbilities event, Ohio Valley Goodwill looks forward to the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Flying Pig Marathon and welcoming hundreds of atheletes of all abilities to this years’ big event. Mark your calendars and plan to join us on Saturday, May 5th! Thanks so much everyone for your on-going support of Goodwill’s mission of helping people to experience personal success!