Friday, February 28th marked the occasion of One City En Blanc, a gala event hosted by new Goodwill partner, OneCity...
At Ohio Valley Goodwill, we’re dedicated to using donations from the community to change people’s lives in Cincinnati. We transform...
Any business would want to hold the envious position of number one in their space. But the truth is, there...
Ohio Valley Goodwill was delighted to welcome State Representative Cindy Abrams to its Employment and Training Center on Tuesday, February...
Whether you’re a first-time job seeker or thinking about reentering the job market, one important item you’ll need when applying...
Chances are you’ve visited a thrift store before. Maybe you’ve gone thrift shopping for a Halloween costume or a tacky...
Getting involved with a non-profit organization is one of the best things you can do for your business. Not only...
The excitement of a treasure hunt. The variety to choose from. The thrill of discovery and the joy of spending...
You might have heard of the term ” hard skills,” which refers to technical, job-specific skills that are often learned...