Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati
Goodwill Celebrates Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who died while in military service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or...

Repair or Replace? How to Decide What to Do with an Old Car

Do you have an older car that needs a major repair? You might be wondering if it’s worth the money,...

2021 ShareFest Donation Drive Yields Wonderful Community Support!

Despite all of the changes to the annual ShareFest Donation Drive in partnership with Miami University and the city of...

Save Money and Shop Smarter with Goodwill!

Thrift shopping offers more than the fun of experimenting with unique outfits; it’s also a great way to save money!...

3 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale

With spring cleaning behind us and warm weather here to stay, it’s a sure sign that garage sale season is...

5 Interior Design Trends to Know About

Over the past year, the phrase ” there’s no place like home” has certainly taken on a new meaning! After...

Ohio Valley Goodwill Putting Last Minute Touches on 20th Anniversary Golf Outing Celebration!

The 20th Anniversary of the Goodwill Celebrity Golf Outing is just two short weeks away and our team is working...

Ohio Valley Goodwill Kicks Off ShareFest 2021 with Miami University and City of Oxford!

Thursday, May 13th, marked the official kick-off of the 2021 ShareFest Donation Drive in partnership with the city of Oxford...

Giving Back to the Community: It’s Good for Business!

It’s a fact: giving to others makes us feel good. Studies show that the act of giving actually increases the...