Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati
"Ohio Valley Goodwill Welcomes National Association of Purchasing Managers"

L to R: Jeff Tesch, OVGI Purchasing Mgr Wren Hanson, NAPM Professional Development Amy Hicks, NAPM President Charlie Wright, OVGI...

"Goodwill Co-Hosts 2009 Stand Down Event"

The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) of Ohio Valley Goodwill was a proud co-sponsor of the “2009 Stand Down” event...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Welcomes State Representative Stautberg"

L to R: Joe Byrum, Pres/CEO OVGI State Representative Peter Stautberg The celebration of “National Goodwill Week” was appropriately capped...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Announces New Industrial Services Website!"

The Industrial Services division of Ohio Valley Goodwill wishes to announce the official launch of its new website, www.GoodwillB2B.com. The...

"Team Goodwill Shines In 2009 Hope & Possibility Run!"

L to R: Vanita Reed, Sarah Davis (rear) Melinda Gabelman (front), Darlene O’Hair Craig Franta (rear), Sharon Hannon Stephanie Mitchell....

"CARE Celebrates 2nd Annual Prom!"

Friday, May 1st was a very festive day for Ohio Valley Goodwill. Participants in its CARE (Center for Advocacy, Recreation...

"Goodwill Guild Celebrates 10th Annual Mini-Fest!"

L to R: Joy Packer, LaRue JohnsonLinda Eslick, JoAn Armour, Carolyn Savage Guild Volunteers Friday, May 1st marked the start...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Welcomes Business Advisory Group!"

L to R: Susan Mayberry, Employment Services MgrMatt Diaz, Employer (Walgreen’s)Jackie Diaz, Employment Specialist. Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Employment Services team...

"Goodwill Co-Sponsor of 4th Annual Wheels For Wishes!"

L to R (rear) Cheryl Phipps, HCB Sup’t, Leslie and Claire McCurley, Michael Flannery, MC L to R (front) Stephanie...