Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati
"Ohio Valley Goodwill Major Sponsor for Clermont County Board of DD Event!"

L to R: Julie Schreiber, Goodwill, Liz Ottke and Dan Ottke, CCBDD. Ohio Valley Goodwill was delighted to be a...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Announces Pinterest Launch with Back-to-School Fall Fashions!"

After weeks of preparation, Ohio Valley Goodwill is thrilled to be launching its brand new Pinterest presence with a Back-to-School...

"Goodwill's Montgomery Boutique Re-Opens with Brand New Look!"

Since late June, one of Ohio Valley Goodwill’s most popular boutique locations, it’s Montgomery store, has been closed for needed...

Goodwill Joins Family Circle Magazine for Back-to-School Clothing Drive!

Newest Family Circle Campaign Urges Readers to “˜Donate, Play & Win’   Goodwill and Family Circle will launch the fourth...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Salutes the 22nd Anniversary of the ADA!"

July 26th, 2012 marks the 22nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),  federal legislation  which recognizes and protects...

"Goodwill Industries Announces It Receives Federal Grant From Department of Veterans Affairs"

Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a new federal resources grant that will...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill's Harrison Store Celebrates New Look!"

Saturday, July 14th marked the celebration of the Grand Re-Opening of Goodwill’s Harrison store location which recently underwent a cosmetic...

"Goodwill's CARE Program Participants Part of World Choir Games!"

Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education, (known as CARE), took center stage during the World Choir Games...

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Thanks Golf Outing Volunteers"

Ohio Valley Goodwill took the opportunity to reach out and thank its many volunteers that stepped forward to  assist  with...