L to R: Goodwill Public Information Officer, Michael Flannery with
WCPO Photojournalist, Mekialaya White.
While most people are thinking about holiday parties or their New Year resolutions, Goodwill is geared up for what is always the busiest donation day of the year- New Year’s Eve! Goodwill’s generous donors make the last day of the year one of the organization’s best days of the year by cleaning out their closets and bringing their gently worn contributions to any of Goodwill’s 30 convenient donation sites. The holiday season is always a time to de-clutter and make room for all those new gifts but New Year’s Eve also marks the last day that people can make a donation and get a deduction on their 2012 tax returns. The record-setting donation day is also a media event with reporters from Channel 9 and 19 covering the seemingly endless parade of cars streaming through the donation center at the organization’s headquarters in the village of Woodlawn. When asked why they chose New Year’s Eve as the day to make a donation, most people talk about wanting to support the organization’s mission of helping people go to work in our community or wanting to get their house in order for their New Year…whatever the reason, Goodwill is grateful for the generosity of its friends. Donations to the organization help to provide the funding needed to support skill training and employment services for thousands of individuals with disabilities as well as our nation’s veterans each year. In 2011, Goodwill served more than 3100 individuals and helped 818 to obtain jobs in the community. “New Year’s Eve is always an exciting day at Goodwill,” said Michael Flannery, Public Information Officer. “It really shows you how generous our community can be on this very special day of the year,” added Flannery. Ohio Valley Goodwill thanks its generous donors and supporters for their wonderful contributions in 2012 and wishes all a very Happy New Year! To find out more about Goodwill’s mission in the Greater Cincinnati community, request a presentation from Public Information Officer, Michael Flannery at (513) 771-4800 or email: mflannery@cincigoodwill.org. He’s always happy to share the story of Goodwill! For a list of convenient donation locations, please visit www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/donate. Our thanks to WCPO photojournalist, Mekialaya White and WXIX photojournalist, Matthew Lawerence for their coverage of the busiest donation day of the year story at Ohio Valley Goodwill. Watch for newscasts on WCPO at 6:00 and 11:00 pm and on WCPO at 6:00 and 10:00 pm.