The production building located at Ohio Valley Goodwill’s corporate headquarters was the location for a story about the organization’s six year partnership with the annual Thanksgiving Day Race. Donation team members were busy loading this year’s donation drive barrels into the Goodwill truck in preparation for the big race on Thanksgiving morning. Reporter Perry Schaible from Local 12 news, is covering the Thanksgiving Day Race event this year and was interested in learning more about the Goodwill coat donation drive that takes place during the race.
The film crew recorded the loading of the Goodwill donation barrels in preparation for the Thanksgiving Day race on Thursday morning. Donations team member, Jeff Jones made sure that this year’s Goodwill barrels were properly loaded onto the truck in preparation for the race. In addition, the Local 12 team filmed the assembly line as donations are processed. “Working with the Thanksgiving Day Race, we have collected more than 25,000 pounds of donated coats and other cold weather gear over the past five years. For our sixth year, we are asking runners to “Give 100%” to the race as well as in their effort to donate. Our Goodwill cheerleader team will be holding up signs urging this year’s race participants to “Give 100% to Goodwill,” trying to build awareness of our 100th anniversary celebration coming up as well as our need for donations,” explained Hannon.
Ohio Valley Goodwill is grateful to the Thanksgiving Day Race and Director Julie Isphording for their partnership over the past six years and is thankful to Local 12 for their coverage of this wonderful holiday story. To find out more about how you can support Goodwill’s mission of putting people to work, visit Happy Thanksgiving Wishes everyone!