“I have to do everything myself.”
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
“No one has the passion for this business that I do.”
This kind of thinking leads many entrepreneurs to become workaholics that eventually fall prey to burnout. However, you do have a choice! You can let yourself hit the burnout wall or take steps now to avoid it.
â— Lack of energy to do even the smallest tasks
â— Frustration and negative feelings about the business
â— Poor decision-making and difficulty focusing
â— Making mistakes you never used to make
â— Inability to not think about work””even when you’re with family or friends
â— Losing your temper over minor things
â— Sleeplessness
â— Health issues
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to take action to make sure your business runs smoothly and continues to grow without it taking a toll on your mental or physical health.
If you’re a small business owner looking to take your business to the next level, Ohio Valley Goodwill Industrial Services is the right choice. Small companies have trusted our packaging, fulfillment, assembly and kitting services for decades because they know our team dedicates itself to doing your job right. Best of all, businesses which partner with Ohio Valley Goodwill for outsourcing services support our mission to provide meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities.
Business owners in Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky or Southeast Indiana, contact our B2B professionals to learn more and receive a free tour of our facilities.