Small businesses and local non-profit organizations have something in common. They’re both backbones of their communities!
Small business owners are often viewed as community leaders, and with leadership comes responsibilities as well as opportunities. Many companies understand that partnering with a non-profit is an opportunity to display responsible corporate citizenship. What they may not recognize, however, is how a non-profit company relationship can also provide great benefits to their bottom line.
Let’s look at the many advantages your business can realize by partnering with a non-profit organization.
You create a positive image for your company.
As the saying goes, we’re all in this together. People appreciate businesses that illustrate that they care about the greater good. As it becomes more challenging to gain a competitive edge in today’s business world, non-profit relationships can set your company apart.
All companies, big and small, benefit from a positive public image when they demonstrate social responsibility. This community favor can lead to increased media coverage and other home-grown opportunities to showcase your business, for a nominal expense or even, no cost. In many cases, partnering with local non-profit organizations can generate free marketing for your business!
You raise your company’s mission beyond profit-making
Of course, all companies need to make money to survive. But, take a look at many company mission statements, and you’ll see wording that speaks to a higher purpose than profit-making alone. Involvement with a non-profit’s mission can be gratifying to owners and employees alike.
At its core, a mission statement answers the question: “What is my company’s reason for existing?” If the only answer is “to make more money,” there will be few people who will find that a satisfying response. As humans, we all crave a deeper reason for why we are here and the work we do. By partnering with a non-profit, you elevate your business’s mission and overall impact in the community.
You attract passionate employees
Companies that demonstrate a higher purpose attract employees who value corporate responsibility. These workers want to be associated with your organization beyond receiving a paycheck. Socially-conscious businesses are more likely to attract people who are engaged and loyal, sticking with the company for the long haul.
Partnering with non-profit organizations can also provide volunteer opportunities for team outings to do good work in the community. These activities can create stronger bonds between employees and a more satisfying place to work.
More consumers will want to work with you
Today’s consumers are looking for more than great products. They want companies that stand for something other than profits. Furthermore, the social-responsibility movement that’s influencing consumer choice will only heighten as millennials attain more buying power.
Your customers may also be willing to pay more for your products when you partner with non-profits. In a study, 55 percent of consumers indicated they would! Although working with non-profits isn’t directly linked to revenue growth, this type of statistic suggests that a positive business outcome will result.
You will develop business-building relationships
Various business people and community leaders are interacting with local non-profits every day. Link your business to trusted non-profit entities will open the door to your company making new, valuable connections in the community.
Your engagement with non-profits is also a positive conversation your business can have with potential customers, investors, and future employees.
Ohio Valley Goodwill is a local non-profit you can trust
Ohio Valley Goodwill is a highly respected non-profit organization in the Greater Cincinnati area, and our Industrial Services Division provides a meaningful way for your company to be a part of our mission!
Our commitment to employing highly-motivated individuals with disabilities and veterans means your business has access to quality contract labor at a competitive price. When you’re looking for a quality outsourcing partner, choose Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Industrial Services Division for your kitting and assembly service needs. It’s a great way to benefit the community and your bottom line. Please contact us today to receive a free quote and a tour of our facilities!