Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Hiring People with Disabilities: Myths and Facts

There are a lot of myths floating around about what it’s like to hire and employ someone with disabilities. In many cases, employers don’t consider hiring workers with disabilities because they haven’t done it before, and they’re unsure how it will work for their organization.

At Ohio Valley Goodwill, we’re here to debunk those myths and shine light on the many incredible benefits of considering hiring someone with a disability!

MYTH: If I hire someone with a disability, I’ll have to spend a lot of money in order to accommodate them.

FACT: Many employees with disabilities don’t need any special accommodations, and the cost of accommodating those who do is much less than you’d think. Studies by the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Job Accommodation Network have found that 15% of accommodations cost nothing, 51% costs between $1 and $500, 12% costs between $501 and $1,000 and 22% costs more than $1,000.

It’s also important to keep in mind that there are federal tax incentives available, either for accommodating an employee with disabilities, or for hiring an individual who’s consistently faced barriers to employment.

MYTH: Employees with disabilities have a hard time getting to work.

FACT: People with disabilities are just as capable of finding a way to work as their counterparts without disabilities. Some are able to drive, while others might choose to walk, carpool, or take public transportation. 

MYTH: Someone with a disability wouldn’t be qualified for the job.

FACT: Job candidates with disabilities have varied skills, and many have had job skills training, education, and experience that qualify them to work in a wide variety of industries. In some cases, employees with disabilities might do a task differently, but that might mean they do it more efficiently or even better than previous employees. Never make assumptions about someone with a disability!

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Goodwill’s Logo

Ohio Valley Goodwill can help you find the right candidate!

Goodwill’s Employment Services team is dedicated to training individuals with disabilities for job opportunities and helping them with job coaching, resumes, job applications, and more. Our Employment Specialists provide help throughout every step of the job-seeking process, with retention services offered to assist individuals with any post-employment needs to ensure successful community employment.

Goodwill’s Work Site Support staff (Job Coaches) also assist individuals in successfully maintaining desired employment. Support can be offered at the work site or away from the job while the employee learns the expectations of the position.

At a time when filling positions has become even more challenging, it’s time to think about hiring individuals with disabilities to meet talent needs. Hiring people with disabilities can help businesses create a culture of diversity and inclusion, capture creative business solutions, and foster a positive environment for other employees as well as customers and clients.

There are many qualified candidates with disabilities who can and want to work! Read our inspiring Success Stories to learn more about the outstanding individuals Ohio Valley Goodwill is proud to help in their journey to personal and vocational success.

Want more information about Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Employment Services? Fill out our online contact form, and we’ll be in touch right away.