Goodwill Summer Youth Program Team Members 2018
Ohio Valley Goodwill’s very popular and newly expanded Summer Youth program in both Hamilton and Butler Counties is off to an active start . Currently, the largest such program in the Greater Cincinnati area, this year’s Summer Youth program will serve almost 100 individuals over the three month period. The program is designed to provide students with a variety of team building and vocational exploration experiences structured to help them gather information about the world of work.
As part of the Summer Youth program, each student has the opportunity to learn work appropriate skills during the beginning of the program and then, actually participate in an interactive work simulated experience in the community on typical job sites. After their community job try-outs, each student reports back to their counselor through Goodwill partner agency, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, regarding their work experience and their job preferences.
This year’s Summer Youth Program participants will have the opportunity to experience a variety of different community worksites and will be transported and supported by Goodwill team members at all locations. A variety of work opportunities are explored including entertainment, landscaping, food service, day care, retail, warehousing and janitorial just to name a few. Worksites are spread across the Greater Cincinnati community and offer the chance for students to fully become engaged in the different aspects that each employment opportunity presents.
“As always, Goodwill is delighted to welcome our wonderful Summer Youth program participants to the exciting program we have planned which will help to introduce them to the world of work,” said Rich Halter, Coordinator.
For more information about the Summer Youth program, please call (513) 771-4800. Goodwill’s Summer Youth program is in its sixth year and is a collaborative project with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD).