WCPO’s LifeStyle Team Visits Goodwill!
Goodwill’s Montgomery Boutique was the host location for a visit from WCPO’s Cincy Lifestyle co-host Mona Morrow for the taping of two upcoming segments. The segments were taped with Goodwill Public Information Officer, Michael Flannery and Marketing Specialist (and Fashion Advisor), Alisha Tyler. The first segment focused on the Goodwill mission and how shopping and donating help people with disabilities and our nation’s veterans get jobs in the Greater Cincinnati community. Narrated by Public Information Officer, Michael Flannery, the segment focused on the number of people served by the agency, the number placed in the community and how Goodwill and the community work together to create a cycle of success for local citizens.
The second segment was taped with Marketing Specialist and Fashion Advisor, Alisha Tyler, and highlighted Back-to-School fashions for students of all ages and the deals one can get at all 17 store locations in the Greater Cincinnati area. Cincy Lifestyle co-host Mona Morrow is an avid Goodwill shopper and loved the new #IGotItAtGoodwill which Alisha and Michael shared. The segments will air on WCPO’s Cincy LifeStyle program at 10 am in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for specific air times.
Ohio Valley Goodwill is grateful to Mona Morrow and WCPO for their coverage of the Goodwill story and support of the organization’s mission in the Greater Cincinnati community.