Senator Rob Portman
The morning of Wednesday, July 5th marked the occasion for a team of legislative advocates from Ohio Valley Goodwill to visit Senator Rob Portman’s office to hand-deliver a letter urging the Senator to vote no on the proposed Health Care bill and against any cuts to Medicaid. The group included four self-advocates from the organization’s Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education (CARE program); Greg Stotler, Elizabeth Steele, Jon Juengling and Jordan Goss as well as three staff members: Sharon Hannon, Shelley Harris and Lois Kramer.
L to R: Elizabeth Steele, Lois Kramer, Jon Juengling, Shelley Harris, Sharon Hannon, Jordan Goss (rear) and Greg Stotler (rear).
Self-advocacy and speaking up for one’s rights is a core principle of the Goodwill CARE program as well as Ohio Valley Goodwill’s programs and services generally and the visit to the Senator’s office was a tangible way to express concern about proposed cuts that would be devastating to people with disabilities. The projected Medicaid cuts contained in the proposed legislation of more than $880 billion over the next 10 years would result in more than 22 million people losing their health coverage and in many cases, are potentially life-threatening for our most vulnerable citizens. People with disabilities in particular would be faced with the loss of critical services that enable them to live, work and fully participate in their home communities.
The Goodwill legislative advocacy team took their mission very seriously explaining to the Congressman’s aides the critical nature of the proposed Health Care bill and impact on people with disabilities in particular. The hand-delivered letter to the Senator was signed by all members of the legislative advocacy team for his consideration as he contemplates his upcoming vote. Channel 9 News was also on hand to document the important visit to the Senator’s office. The segment will air on Channel 9 News between 4:00 and 6:30 pm on Wednesday, July 5th.
Goodwill Legislative Advocacy Team with Channel 9 News Videographer, Terry Helmer
Ohio Valley Goodwill works in partnership with four County Boards in the Greater Cincinnati area, (Hamilton, Butler, Clermont and Warren), in providing employment, enrichment and training programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and is committed to supporting advocacy efforts in support of the individuals the organization serves. For more information about Ohio Valley Goodwill and it’s programs and services, visit Please join us in urging Senator Portman to vote NO on proposed Medicaid cuts that would be devastating to thousands of our most vulnerable citizens.