Goodwill Supports Veterans with Help with Employment and Housing.
Memorial Day is about more than trips to the beach or backyard barbeques with family and friends; it’s a day designated to honor and celebrate the men and women who have died serving in the U.S. Military. Memorial Day was established after the Civil War by General John Logan, who dedicated May 30th as a day to pay respect to fallen soldiers.
You can join Goodwill in honoring our military veterans in a number of ways:
If you are an employer, consider hiring a veteran:
Find out how you can help a veteran get a job, by contacting our Veterans Services team at (513) 631-4500. Annually, Goodwill helps almost 600 veterans a year to get jobs in the community, thanks to our wonderful community employers who are looking for highly qualified and enthusiastic team members for their workforce needs.
Send a thank-you letter or care package to deployed service members
Consider taking time to write a heartfelt letter or assemble a care package to send to a member of the military. There are many services available to drop-off letters or care packages for deployed troops, new recruits, and veterans.
Lend a hand to veterans and military families
Memorial Day weekend and truly, every day is a wonderful time to give back to the veterans and military families in our community. At Ohio Valley Goodwill, we’re committed to helping local veterans and military families gain the resources needed to lead successful lives and find meaningful employment. Each time you donate to Goodwill or shop at one of our stores, you help us fulfill our mission to provide life-changing programs and services for veterans and others facing barriers to employment! If you’re looking for an easy way to make a big impact in the lives of local veterans and military families, consider making a donation to Goodwill. Last year alone, Ohio Valley Goodwill helped over 400 veterans to obtain housing support and employment in our community.
View the complete list of our donation sites and check out a list of items we can accept here before donating. Thank you for helping Ohio Valley Goodwill make a difference for the veterans and military families in our community!