Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

"Goodwill Advocate In Action!"

Monday, June 8th served as the perfect opportunity for advocacy in action as Goodwill participant, James Harley, testified in front of Hamilton County’s Tax Levy Review Committee. His compelling testimony in support of the Hamilton County Board of MR/DD’s upcoming tax levy, appeared to be persuasive to the panel of more than 10 review committee members. James currently serves as the Secretary for Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Consumer Advisory Council (CAC), and has become quite a spokesperson and advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities. ” I am thrilled that James was willing to share his important testimony with the Review Committee,” said Leslie McCurley, Asst. Director of Rehabilitation Services. ” This is only his second public presentation and I am just so impressed with his poise and confidence,” added McCurley. The public hearing is the launch of what will soon become a very active levy campaign effort in support of Goodwill long-time partner, the Hamilton County Board of MR/DD. Ohio Valley Goodwill serves more than 440 adults with disabilites through its relationship with the Hamilton County Board and will be a prominent supporter of this year’s campaign. The testimony that James wrote and presented includes the following comments: My name is James Harley from Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries. I am on the Consumer Advisory Committee and we represent all the consumers who attend Goodwill. I am here today to talk about how important it is for the MRDD tax levy to pass in November, and why it is so important for so many people across Hamilton County. MRDD Services help individuals with disabilities to accomplish their life goals such as funding for job training, workshops, and job training programs in Hamilton County. The Board also helps supported living agencies and independent living agencies across Hamilton County and group homes as well. These services are very important to help people who live at home with important life activities, like cooking, personal care and other things. Please support MRDD levy in November, it makes a difference in so many lives across Hamilton County. Thank you.