Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati
3 Essential Elements Your Business Strategy May Be Missing

As a business leader, you understand the value of creating a well-planned business strategy that outlines your company’s short-term and...

Small Businesses Save Money with Contract Labor Services

Labor costs are one of the most sizeable line items in a small business budget and, typically, the more a...

3 Common Reasons Your Business Has Hit a Plateau

Any business ““ large or small ““ experiences seasons of growth and seasons of stagnation. Sometimes, businesses take a hit...

Best Practices of Lean Manufacturing Strategy

Lean manufacturing or lean production, also known as simply ” lean,” is a system that helps businesses eliminate waste, save...

4 Essential Questions to Ask Before Outsourcing to a Third-Party Provider

Looking to outsource business tasks to a third-party provider? Before you choose an outsourcing partner, it’s important to do your...

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Small Business

With spring’s arrival, many of us are dedicating time to cleaning our homes, yards, and garages. But spring cleaning isn’t...

3 Commonly Outsourced Business Processes

As a business owner, you probably know that outsourcing is a common way to improve efficiency and lower operational expenses....

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Contract Packaging Company

Your company may produce great products, but do you have great packaging? Packaging should be an essential component of your...

Common Staffing Challenges and Solutions for Business Owners

Hiring the right employees is crucial for the long-term growth and success of any business. But as the Baby Boomer...