Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

3 Smart Reasons to Delegate in the Workplace

As a business owner, delegation is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Delegating certain tasks to the right people saves time, improves productivity, and allows leaders to focus on core business. But all too often, business owners struggle to delegate even routine tasks. It can be hard to let go of the desire to control every aspect of your business, especially for small business owners who are used to running everything on their own.

However, without effective delegation of daily responsibilities, it’s nearly impossible for a business to grow and thrive. Business owners who fail to delegate are more likely to experience burnout and frustration. If you aren’t already delegating, here are three smart reasons to start today.

Save time

In the business world, time is a valuable asset. As the saying goes, ” Time is Money!” But on any given day, business owners may be responsible for a number of time-consuming tasks that prevent them from accomplishing their long-term business goals. Maybe there are even certain work ” chores” that you don’t look forward to doing, so you put them off until they become urgent. By delegating some of these routine tasks to others, you can save time and work to improve efficiency across the entire organization.

Reduce your workload

Many business owners find themselves working long hours to juggle multiple responsibilities, which can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Work overload, one of the driving factors of burnout, can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. If your heavy workload is too much to bear on your own, it’s probably time to start delegating. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather it keeps you from spreading yourself too thin, giving you more time and energy to produce better quality work.

Concentrate on core competencies

Trying to manage too many tasks at once can lead to stress, missed deadlines, and a diminished quality of work. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could focus all of your energy and attention on the core aspects of your business? With successful delegation, you can hand off tasks to those who have the skills and capacity to complete them better and faster, allowing you and your team to concentrate on more essential parts of your organization where your team excels.

For businesses with a small staff, in-house delegation isn’t always the best solution. Outsourcing is a helpful alternative that enables business leaders to benefit from the expertise and support of outside professionals and allows them  to focus on central business activities. If you think your business could use help from a third-party expert in the areas of assembly, kitting, fulfillment, warehousing, or packaging, Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Industrial Services Division is here to assist. Our Industrial Services Division has been helping businesses in Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana outsource business services to save time and reduce overhead costs. To learn more and receive a free tour of our facilities, contact us today.