Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Your Business Can See More Green When You “Go Green”

Going green isn’t just a buzz phrase, it’s how more and more of your customers will be making buying decisions. That’s because over the next several decades, the biggest and wealthiest generation in U.S. history will  pass over about $30 trillion in assets  to their kids.  


And these millennial consumers want the companies they buy from to split their attention between making a profit and benefiting society. Demonstrating sustainable packaging practices is one way companies can show they are being socially responsible.


Being a friend to the environment can improve your bottom line

Increasingly, consumers are willing to pay more for companies that are environmentally conscious and use sustainable materials in their packaging. Here are a few ways to ensure your company is making a positive impact:

  • Use green packing materials — consider switching to recycled packaging or using more environmentally-friendly materials like paper, cardboard or reusable bags
  • Reduce waste — create a custom packaging solution for your products instead of irresponsibly shipping half-empty boxes with wasted space
  • Cut costs — using recycled and reducing waste will save you money while you’re helping to save the planet!


Partner with a company known for social responsibility

Millennials expect companies to ” do good” in the world. By partnering with Ohio Valley Goodwill Industrial Services to outsource your business’s packaging services, you benefit not only your business but your entire community.

That’s because Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries Services provides vocational services and meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities and our nation’s veterans. Your business receives best-in-class logistics’ outsourcing and the great feeling that comes with helping hard-working, deserving individuals in your community!

And, maybe, your business will gain more customers who are loyal to your company because they believe in your brand’s commitment to environmentally friendly packaging. Contact us today  for a free tour of our facilities and to learn more about our custom packaging services and our mission.