It’s easy to take all the things that come with working for granted. Most people don’t even realize how their jobs enrich their lives beyond the paycheck. Here at Ohio Valley Goodwill, we’re well aware of how work can change lives. It’s our mission to uplift individuals through the power of employment!
The benefits of work align with the basic mental and emotional human needs, which, when fulfilled, help us be our best selves:
The feeling that we’re part of a group is vital to each of us. When you report to a job on a regular basis, you tap into a community of coworkers and, in some cases, customers. This sense of belonging helps you build your identity and feeds your need to connect and contribute to our community.
As humans, we need to feel that we’re here on Earth for a reason ““ that we’re serving some purpose. Employment provides the opportunity to work toward a goal and to make an impact on our own communities. Those accomplishments provide a sense of pride and confidence. And, of course, it feels good when others applaud our work!
Employment is directly linked to the human need for safety and security. Dependable income provides stability to take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. This also contributes to our overall health and wellbeing.
For many of the people we serve at Ohio Valley Goodwill, employment opens the door to independence. Independence can take many forms, and its definition varies by the individual. Still, to whatever degree we can care and make decisions for ourselves, self-sufficiency can build confidence and overall happiness. That’s the power of work!
Each year, Ohio Valley Goodwill helps hundreds of individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment find the jobs that work for them. Our services make these work benefits a reality for people who might not otherwise have the opportunity. They find life-fulfilling jobs and that results in incredible transformations.
You can support our services when you shop at any Ohio Valley Goodwill Thrift Store or donate at your nearest Ohio Valley Goodwill Donation Center. Thank you for helping us change lives right here in the Cincinnati area!