Labor Day is here! As family and friends gather to enjoy the three-day weekend and the official end of summer, we at Ohio Valley Goodwill would like to remind you about the true meaning of Labor Day: to celebrate America’s workers.
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on September 5th, 1882, in New York City. As the years went on, more and more states participated, until President Grover Cleveland signed a law in 1884 making the first Monday in September an official national holiday. At its core, Labor Day is a time to pay tribute to our nation’s workforce. It’s also a time to step back and show appreciation for something we might sometimes take for granted: the power of work to change lives.
Here at Ohio Valley Goodwill, we recognize the importance of meaningful community employment on Labor Day and every day of the year! Jobs allow people to earn a living, gain independence and confidence, and contribute to our country’s economic health and vitality. But unfortunately, millions of people in our country who want to work are facing barriers to employment.
Goodwill focuses on breaking down these obstacles to opportunity by providing job skills training, employment services, and support programs designed to help individuals obtain meaningful employment in their communities. We offer career exploration, coaching support, resume and cover letter help, job placement, worksite support, and other related services to help job-seekers achieve personal satisfaction and vocational fulfillment.
In 2018 alone, more than 3,500 individuals received vocational support through Ohio Valley Goodwill’s services and programs. To learn more, read the inspirational success stories of individuals who have received support from Ohio Valley Goodwill.
We wish you a safe, happy, and relaxing Labor Day holiday! And remember, every time you shop at or donate to Ohio Valley Goodwill, you’re helping us fulfill our 100+ year mission to change lives through the power of work. Become a job creator in your community today by supporting Ohio Valley Goodwill’s mission!